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I WANNA CRY – free download

Usually, this is where you would find a snazzy text, cleverly constructed to praise and, ultimately, sell our latest release. Both as a band and as individuals, we currently have other things occupying our minds, though. It feels very much as if chaos is brewing all over, as we sadly could witness once more only a few days ago in Paris, a day prior in Beirut or with the direct reaction to the heinous attacks. That very weekend we had the difficult task – still shaken by the terrorist attacks – to entertain audiences during two separate gigs. “The show must go on” should not and cannot be the only realisation after events like these. Which is why we decided to perform our song I wanna cry during those gigs – a song we don’t usually perform on stage, but one that is a perfect expression of how the three of us are feeling.

At the same time, we decided to give away the song (first released on our debut album in 2013) for free. We simply want to give people something that is important to us and which helps us – and hopefully others as well – to express our feelings. Because in times like these, when faced with these kinds of daunting challenges, it is equally important to be able to cry and to find hope. No one wants to face a challenge like the one we are facing right now, as individual humans and as humanity as a whole. But we have to face them. We have to take them on. And we can only overcome them together.

The free download of I wanna cry is something that comes straight from our hearts. And it is a gesture with which we – as a band and as individuals – simply want to ask people to listen.

Ariane Roth, Tom Huber, Thomas Foster

ps: Later this week we will post the emotional live performance of I wanna cry that NRW.TV that helped sparkt he idea of making the song available for free.


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