It has to start at some point. And that point is now. After all, it’s not long until the debut album of IVOTION will be released. The new IVOTION website has been online for a few weeks already and now it will be filled with life. The life of Ariane, Thomas and Tom – in other words: IVOTION. You can find a quick overview of the project under About IVOTION. To the right, you can already see the first pictures we’ve publishing on Instagram, as well as our Twitter feed. This is where you will see brief, up-to-the-minute news and shoutouts from IVOTION – whether we are in the studio, on the road or getting ready for a gig.
In the blog area of the website, you’ll be able to see and read even more than that. About our preparations for the upcoming album release (for example, you’ll read the name and the release date for the album here first). About our time in the studio or in the reherseal room. About upcoming gigs and ones we’ve just done. About filming our videos, doing photoshoots, and everything else in the life of a band. We will also introduce you to our partners, like the visual artist Mar-K.os, and show you the things that make IVOTION so unique, like the amazing Nyx. In addition, there will be photo galleries, allowing you to look behind the scenes of everything IVOTION does. And as soon as the videos go online that we’ve been working on hard these past months, you can view them here. Including a detailled making-of blog post. Get ready to be “out there with IVOTION“.
And of course we want your feedback. Let us know what you think of IVOTION! To do that, you can use the comment section below the blog posts, or you can write to us on Facebook or Twitter. Yes, we appriciate “likes” and “followers”. But what is even more important is your opinion. Because the “emotions” that are part of both the band name and the band philosophy don’t just come from the three active band members. Our audience is just as much a part of the musical multimedia project IVOTION. Which is exactly the reason why we share a big part of our life with you right here on our blog.
All the best,
ps: If you are on Twitter, you can follow us under @ivotionband. And on Instagram you can find and follow us here.
Servus Ariane und Euch Anderen … euer Projekt finde ich superklasse. Ich mag deine Stimme total, Ariane. Mit Thomas & Tom geht ihr zusammen neue musikalische, eigene Wege. Großes Kompliment. Was ich bis jetzt gehört habe, finde ich einfach nur toll. Ich wünsche Euch weiterhin viel Spass am Projekt und viele schöne Momente. Herzliche Grüße DJ Axel F.